Notice: 7/26/2019

There is about 12 more feet of soil removal required to get to the bottom of the excavation.  The contractor will finish placing tie backs in the next few weeks.   Once at the bottom of the excavation, the contractor will begin laying the matt slab and then start upward with concrete to finish the parking garage. 

A crane foundation will be installed.  The crane that will be installed is similar to the building at 2nd and Stewart, the crane will be free standing for several floors. 

Notice: 6/26/2019

Due to the testing of soil, Turner is one day behind schedule. Turner expected to average 5,100 yards of soil per day during 8 weeks of excavation. Turner hopes to make-up the one day and get back on schedule.

Notice: 5/22/19

Construction will begin on 5/22/19.  The parking element will be put in place.  Turner will begin with two rigs on site and drill holes that will eventually hold the tieback.